Friday, September 21, 2007

Photo taken at Cloud9

Cloud9 2nd Annvisary



Today,Dar work morning shift till 7pm while I also work morning shift but mine is till 8pm.

Today,Wednesday is Cloud9 2nd Annvisary and we are invited to the party.Dar and James first reached Cloud9 first while I have to wait till I end work.

After I end work at about 8.30pm,I waited for Adeline as she ended work at 8.45pm...After which,we walked to MRT station and I went to Tanjong Pagar while Adeline went home.

When I reached Tanjong Pagar Mrt Station,I saw Vicki and we waited for dar to come and fetch us to Cloud9 and I saw Poh Cheng walking together with dar...

After that when we reached Cloud9,we had some buffet and drink beer.

After that,we ordered Whisky and drank half then we went back home at about 12 plus in the morning and the other half,we kept it there for next visit...Haha...

Here are some photo that we took at Cloud9 which I will download later...