Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Photos taking...

25 Feb'07
Is he cute & adorable? Wearing my red hair-band!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Me Sick and Dear came

By Alicia

Today,I was sick and get MC and Dear after his work,came down to my house and accompany me.Dear work till 2pm as he was working Half-morning.

We watched VCD the whole afternoon and dinner,mummy cooked and we had dinner together.

So sick...but happy also as Dear accompany me the whole afternoon.

Thanks Dear.

Love you.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Went together to my God-sis house.

This morning,I went back to school to hand in my school report,after which I mit my Dear to go my big God-sis house,Dong.

Too bad as my another god-sis,Wendy was not coming as she had things on.

We stayed at my big god-sis house till evening time then we left the place.

My big god-sis saw my dear when is my another god-sis's turn?


Monday, February 19, 2007

2nd Day of Chinese New Year

Today is the 2nd day of Chinese New Year!!!

Dear came to my house and we went to Woodlands with my family to visit my grandma again.

We stayed there till evening after we had our dinner.After which,we went back home.

Mummy,brother and sister took cab back home while Dear and I took bus 900 to Woodlands Interchange and then went to Marsling to go to Jerry,my 1st in-charge house to 拜年.

After that,we played poker and I won around $20 plus.After that,we took train back home.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

On the 1st Day of Chinese New Year

Yesterday,we both did not sleep well as we intended to let Jun and Andrew know about our reationship together.

In the morning,we went for service then after service,we break the news to them.

After which,we went home as 1st day of Chinese New Year.

In the evening,dear called me when he back home after he 拜完年 and he came down to Woodlands to see my family.Haha...suppose to be on 2nd day but haha...he came down on 1st day as he got nothing to do.Haha...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Celebrating Belated Valentine's Day

By Alicia

As on the 14 Feb'07,we both were working and we just had supper for celebrating Valentine's Day so we had another celebration but now it's belated ones...


We celebrating on 16 Feb'07.

Dear,today not working but I was working in the morning till 6pm.Dear and Noel came down to fetch me and we walked to Boat Quay to have a drink.While we were walking,we had our dinner first before we went to drink.

When we reached Boat Quay,we walked to a pub named "Lighthouse" and had drink.

After awhile,Dear called me out and we saw "fireworks" while Noel was inside the pub singing.

After finished watching,we went back in and joined the fun of singing.Dear sang quite a few song for me.We also sang "屋顶" together.

After which,we took Night Rider back home.Dear send me back home first then he went back home.

It was a memorable Day and I won't forget it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

On Valentine's Day

By Alicia

Today,14 Feb'07,it's our 1st time celebrating our Valentine's day together.As usual,working on that day.

After work,we went to have supper and celebrate our Valentine's Day.

It's a memorable day...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Give Steven an answer

By Alicia

Today,10 Feb'07,after my work,Steven and I went to town area to have supper as it's Friday night and we have night rider.Haha...

After our supper at Kopitam beside SMU,we walked to Somerset to take night rider NR5 back home.

In the bus,I slept and then I hold his hand and then we started the relationship together. And that's the next day liao...It's 11 Feb that we are together...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Steven ask Alicia

By Alicia

Today,after work,meeting Steven for supper.After supper,we took a walk and went to Lakeside MRT station the Cheers to buy something and he sound me out.

I did not give him an answer immediately and I told him that I needed to think about it and will give him and answer before 14 Feb. He gave me a necklace and flowers.3 flowers mean I love you.He asked me that do I know what 3 flowers mean? I said I know but I wana him to tell me.

After which,we walked back home.He sent me home before he went home.