Sunday, March 18, 2007

Go Bras Brash to have supper

Today,Dear worked half-morning while I was working 2pm to closing.

During my work,Dear came down with Guan Yin Ma to visit me and waited for me to end work.

After that we took train to Dohby Ghuat and walked to the SIM opposite the Kopitam to have our supper.

Our 50 cents story started here:


It happened when Dear went to buy food for us and using the Kopitam Card and that time at 11pm,they changed shift and closed the card purchase as we can entitled 10% off.

Then Dear came back and told us and I went in to ask and asked for refund of the discount. In the end,I manage to get back my discount in drink stalls of 50 cents...

That's the story.Haha...

After which, we went back home.

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