Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Day for "Take the City Walk"

Taken by Jun
This morning,we woke up at 6am and bath then go back to my house (staying at my dear house.) and put things down then we proceeded to City Hall.
When we reached City Hall,we proceeded to Pandang to meet Jun and Andrew then we started our 5 km walk.
Only Jun,mi and dear walk the 5 km as Andrew have to stay at Padang as he had to station for the game.
After we walk the 5 km walk,we went to Bras Basah as Jun wana buy bible and then Jun bought dear a book and also mi subscribe the member for free.
After we finished buying,we took bus 175 to Somerset as we meeting Andrew there.After which,we went to the 24 hrs resturant called "新望茶餐厅 " at Cinelesiure.It's recommanded by James and Vicki.
After which,we took train back home while Jun and Andrew took bus 36 home.When we reache d Jurong East,we called Eve as we meeting her there for dear got to hand in $ for the saving insurance.After which,dear and I took bus 334 back home.
After we bath finished,we slept till around 7pm then we went to have dinner.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Photo at P.S

Today,we had our off day and we went to P.S to walk walk and when we were at Carrefour,we bought something and lining up.

Dear saw something which is funny and he put it in his ear and I ask him to take out his handphone and took picture on it.

He looked like 猪八戒。Do you think so?

Let's see the photo...

Here it comes...

Does he look like?Funny rite??

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Dear B'day Video

Birthday Present for my Dear

This PIERRE CARDIN belt from FCBC Church Group Leader ANDREW and JUN

This watch is for my dear B'days present which I give to him.

P/S: Dear,hoping you like the present and enjoying the party...

2nd part of Photo taken during my Dear B'day @ PUB

Vicki & James...

Photo taken during my Dear b'day @ PUB

See my dear...He is singing so devoted...So handsome!!!Haha...

My dear is posing...Does he look like Chicken Little?Hmm...wondering...

Two brothers are singing...So devoted!!!

Hey...How come my dear sing until upside down???Dear...u ok ma?

Dear being sabo by us...He is making facial...Haha...

Dear can't run away as James and me is holding him back...

Dear and my sis taking photo.

Mi and my sis taking photo.

Dear is singing songs for us...Vicki,James,Yovonne and me.

He sing so devoted... ;-)

Celebrating Dear b'day at Cloud9

Dear & I took photo

Dear Birthday


Today,Dear no working while I got to work.

In the night,we went to Tanjong Pagar one of the PUB called cloud9 with Yovonne,James and Vicki.We celebrate his b'day at the PUB. We drank Martell till quite drank.

After which,we took cab back home at around 3am as the shop closed at 3am.

We send Yovonne back home then after which,Vicki and James went back home and I stayed at Dear house.


This morning at around 7am,Andrew and Jun called mine hp and I did not answer.Andrew also called Dear and He same as me no answer.

In the end,we slept till 7.50am then woke up.After which we took cab down to EXPO for service.

After the service,we went to Airport to had our lunch with Andrew,Jun,Yilin and Lily. After which,we took bus 36 together.Andrew,Jun,Lily and Yilin dropped down at Parkway there while Dear and I contiune our journey to Plaza Sing.

We walk walk after which,Dear and I went to Swesen to eat.After which,we went to Chinatown to had foot massage with James and Vicki.Dear and James had full 1 hour body massage while Vicki and I had 1 hour leg and shoulder massage.

After which,we went to have dinner.After dinner, we went back home.