Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

Hey a great new year or a sick new year?I don't know how to say...

This new year,I was not feeling well but well I'm happy as this year is a year where I celebrate with my Dar.Although I have to work...

But this year is also a year which my sis b'day fall in 1 Jan.

Hereby,I wish her Happi B'day and njoy the fullest of it.

Hmm...In the evening,my family celebrate her B'day at blk 442 downstair for dinner after which,we proceed to Yovonne's house at Redhill.Only me and my dar as we meet Vicki & James there.

After that,we called her and asked her to come down and we celebrate her b'day near her house, The Senior Citizen Corner...Haha...Not Senior Citizen Corner,it's Study Corner.Haha...

Later,I will update the pictures up...

1 comment:

. said...

hey hey hey..the one downstairs ur plc is senior citizens corner..the one downstaris my plc is study corner k...u din see the board there ah..or too dark cant see that nite =] anyway, thanks for celebrating with me