Sunday, October 14, 2007

Adleine's 21 B'day

13 Oct ' 07 :

Today, Dar and mi work morning shift as later in the night,we will be going to Adeline's 21st b'day at East Coast Park.

So after work,we mit James at City Hall and we together took train to Bedok and take bus 197 to East Coast Park.We walked into East Coast Park Chalet E9.

Before we went to Chalet E9,we rent 2 bicycles as Dar and James know how to ride.As for me,I sit with Dar and he rode me to Chalet together with James.

When we reached there,Adeline started her b'day song.After that,Dar and James started to barbecue while I sat down there and waited.

At 12 am,we played at Adeline with cake cream and ice....

Happy Birthday to you,my dear friend,Adeline...

Here is the picture which download in next post...

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