Sunday, October 21, 2007

Celebrating Vicki & James B'day

Vicki's bday : 17/10
James's bday : 25/10

Celebrating on 20/10/07:

Today,we are celebrating Vicki belated b'day and also James early celebration of his b'day. As usual, we went to Tiong Pagar the Cloud 9 to celebrate. Dar booked the sofa seat which is near the billard pool there.

As usual : me,Dar,Yovonne,Adrain will be around and today we also have others joining in which are Poh Cheng who came for awhile then she left. We also have Yimin joining us and also James's buddy came along.

Same we did 'sabo' b'day gal & boi...

After the celebrating which end around 12 plus in the morning, we took cab down to West Coast Park and we went to the park there and talk and also ate our breakfast at Mac.

After that,Adrain and Yovonne left us and we 5 of us took cab back home and slept.

Here are the photos which will developed after which will be shown up...

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