Tuesday, February 5, 2008

1 Year coming...

Our 1 yr comin soon...It's on 11 Feb.It's seem so fast.

Dar,we actually have come so far and among my relationship,I have not yet passed 1 year.I do have but it's break and patch not one straight go...

Dar,I do treasure this relationship very much.I never thought of going steady with a person whom is younger than me as I feel that they younger they actually not yet really wana stettle down and not mature at all but you have proven me wrong.

You actually wana stettle down with me and I'm very happy as your mummy now no say anything about disapprove our relationship.

This 1 year,you have changed alot from that time when first with you,your parents called you,you no answer till now you have answered their call...and many more...

You actually care for my feeling and my emotions...I believe that I have found my ONE le...and my ONE is YOU,Steven Law.

During this 1 year,we do actually quarrel over a small matter but I believe that this small matter if we do not say anything,it will slowly become a big matter,ya...

During this 1 year with you,I'm very happy.The most happy thing is that your parents have agreed this relationship. I'm most happy is that you are my laughter...I see you happy,I also happy no matter how tired I am.I see you sad,my heart become pain pain and sour as I no see your laughter...

Dar,I really hope that this laughter will never end...

I love you always till the end...

I wana be with you...

Love by,

Your Dar,

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