Thursday, February 7, 2008


Today is Chinese New Year,Day 1.

This morning,I woke up at 8am and after which I went to bath and prepared to go Dar's house to "Bai Nian."

I took bus 99 to Dar's house and reached Dar's place at 9am to "Bai Nian."

At around 10 plus,Dar and I had breakfast at Dar's house.After eating,we went to take bus 99 back home to "Bai Nian."

We again had lunch at around 12pm and I'm damn full as just now at Dar's house,I ate rice and now ate rice again.

In the end,Dar and I had abit of rice.After my releative had left,mummy,bro,Dar and I took cab down to grandma's house to "Bai Nian."

We had steamboat again as yesterday we had steamboat.Haha...

After steamboat,we rested awhile then went back home,bid goodbye to my grandma,auntie,uncle and 2 little cousins.

We took cab again back home.

After resting awhile,Dar and I went out to...

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