Thursday, February 14, 2008


After that,we took train to ORCHARD.In the train,Dar opened the present that I gave him.

This is the gift that I gave him.
I gave him 2 present but he only took one of it.The other one is HP Pouch,black in colour.Hoping he like it.

When we reached ORCHARD,we walked walked into the pathway to another exit.We saw this man making balloon and I said I like it and Dar bought for me.

This is the one...


When we walked into Taka Shopping,we saw Hazel and after that we said that after her work,called us..

After that,we walked to Taka and we went to Soeul Garden to eat but in the end we did not eat as there's no fire as the management cut off as they told me that someone smoke in the washroom and to ensure the safety of the shoppers.

So we went to eat "YOSHINOYA".


The menu consists of:

  • 2 regular bowls(choice of Beef with veg,Teriyaki Chicken or Salmon)
  • 2 Miso Soups
  • 2 Treasure Tea
  • 2 Japanese Salad
  • Yuba Age & Japanese Croquette
  • 3 Mochi (Assorted flavours)

We order the Teriyaki Chicken set meals.

Oh ya...This is the set meal of 'TASTE OF LOVE'.

At around 9.30pm,Hazel called me and I missed her call so I called her back and asked her to come and joined us.

After finished the food,we took train back home.

P/S:Dar thanks for the night,I'm so happy today.I love you.